In line with the Company’s business growth, implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is must be improved as well. This is performed to maintain the trust of shareholders and professionalism of the Company. The implementation of GCG practice is oriented to the interest of stakeholders by emphasizing 5 (five) GCG principles, namely transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency, and fairness.
- Transparency
Transparency is disclosure in conducting decision-making process and in submitting material and relevant information on the Company by providing easy access that is easy to understand for all parties of interests.
Transparency principle implementation conducted by the Company is as follows:
- Providing clear, accurate, sufficient and concise information that can be easily accessed by parties of interest.
- Disclosing information on the Company’s vision and mission, management structure, shares ownership structure, internal monitoring and control, GCG implementation system and other information disclosure stated in the regulations.
- Disclosing both Annual and periodical Financial Statements and other mandatory information as stated in the regulations.
- Accountability is a form of responsibility by providing clarity in functions, structure, system and performance responsibility for effective Company management.
The implementation and principle of Accountability conducted by the Company are as follows:
- Informing duties and responsibilities of each Company’s instrument and ensuring that the Company’s strategies conducted by the instruments and the employees are in line with the Company’s vision and mission.
- Ensuring the proper implementation of management system and internal control of the Company for healthy management.
- Ensuring that all employees and instruments uphold the codes of conduct in meeting their duties and responsibilities.
- Responsibility is compliance of Company management with the prevailing rules and regulations and the implementation of responsibility to the public and the environment.
The implementation of Responsibility principle conducted by the Company is as follows:
- Ensuring that the Company’s instruments and the employees strives to work and maintain good ethics in accordance with the regulations determined by the Company, articles of association and the regulations.
- Drafting Company management planning and implementation to initiate social responsibility to the environment and the public.
- Independency is a condition in which a company is managed professionally without any conflict of interest and intervention from the Company’s instruments or other parties that is against the Company’s articles of association and prevailing regulations.
The implementation of Independency principle conducted by the Company is as follows:
- There shall be no involvement and influence from any party during decision-making process conducted by the Company’s instruments to generate objective decisions.
- The responsibility of each Company’s instrument refers to its function and responsibility in duties implementation.
- Decisions made by the Company’s instruments must not contain conflicts of interest and do not go against articles of association and the regulations.
- Fairness is equal and fair treatment in meeting the shareholders’ and employees’ rights in accordance with the articles of association and prevailing regulations.
The implementation of Fairness principle conducted by the Company is as follows:
- All parties of interest in the Company receive an opportunity to submit their opinions for the Company’s interests.
- Considering the shareholders’ interests in accordance with fairness principle in Company management.
- Ensuring that all employees are treated equally and receive equal opportunities without discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, race, group, gender and physical condition.