In contrast to companies in other industries, the Company is benefited by various platforms, namely wider access to the community. With this advantage, the Company is able to implement its CSR in efficient and effective manner. Currently, with its capability of access the Company focuses more on mechanism for communication or mediation, namely in the form of fundraising to be distributed to areas/locations/ targets that in needs.
The Company actively promotes CSR program to improve the health, education, and economy of community where the Company’s radio program is aired. Every station has prepared program that enables the listener and community in general to participate in making donation to community in underdeveloped areas and disaster victims. One of social responsibility programs that has been carried out lately
is breakfasting with orphans/dhuafa, and blood donation program. The Company also regularly provides staples, such as food, medicine, and temporary shelter for disaster victims and financial and medical assistance for community in underdeveloped areas. In implementing carrying out this CSR program, the Company acts as mediator of fundraising to be distributed to disaster areas.
CSR activities implemented in 2015 are as follows:
- Mass Break Fasting with the employees (101 Jak FM, Gen FM Jakarta, Gen FM Surabaya) and orphans/dhuafa
- Blood donation by Jak FM, Gen FM Jakarta, and Gen FM Surabaya
- StudentVisit (101 Jak FM,Gen FM Jakarta,Gen FM Surabaya) in the form of workshop/educational visit conducted monthly
- Sharing Program in the Anniversary of Gen FM Surabaya with orphans